NED at IBC 2024: Join us in Amsterdam!
We are excited to announce that NED will be participating in IBC 2024 in Amsterdam, one of the world’s most important events in the media, entertainment, and broadcast technology sectors.

The event will take place from 13th to 16th September 2024, and we will be present at our stand number 0.A27, located in the outdoor area right in front of the metro exit.

[Leggi l’articolo in ITALIANO]

Why visit our stand?

At IBC 2024, NED will showcase its latest innovations and cutting-edge solutions designed to revolutionise the media and entertainment industry.

Here are some reasons why you should definitely come and visit us:

  • Discover Our Innovations: We will be delighted to show you our new projects and products that enhance operational efficiency and the quality of our products in the media and entertainment sectors.
  • Meet Our Experts: Our team of experts will be available to discuss your specific needs and provide advice on how our solutions can be integrated into your projects.
  • Live Demonstrations: You will be able to see our generator sets in action through live demonstrations, discovering how we can help you overcome the daily challenges of the sector.
  • Networking: IBC is a great opportunity to network with industry professionals, exchange ideas, and create new business opportunities.

Where to find our generator sets at IBC?

Our stand number 0.A27 is located in the outdoor area of the fair, right in front of the metro exit.

This strategic positioning will make it easy for you to find us and start your visit to the fair with a must-see stop at NED.

Event information

  • Dates: 13th-16th September 2024
  • Location: Amsterdam RAI, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • NED Stand: 0.A27 (Outdoor area in front of the metro exit)

Plan Your Visit

To make the most of your time at IBC, we encourage you to schedule a meeting with our team in advance. (Click on the banner to book your appointment)

How to attend and visit IBC Amsterdam?

Make sure to mark the dates on your calendar and come to see us to discover everything NED has to offer.

We look forward to meeting you in Amsterdam and sharing our latest innovations with you. Stay tuned to our blog and social media channels for further updates and previews of the new features we will be presenting at the fair.

We look forward to seeing you at IBC 2024!

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